
  • 11-04-16 英国埃塞克斯的一家购物中心上周日推出一项另类促销方式:前100位只穿胸衣和底裤、脚穿高跟鞋入店购物的女性将获得100英镑的礼券。 katie ford, 22 (l.) and lauren johnson, 18, both from romford at lakeside shopping centre in thurrock, essex,. here's one way...

  • 11-04-09 it may come as old news to many women, but it seems a bit of retail therapy really is good for you. 这对许多女人来说也许不是什么新闻,但是逛街似乎确实对人有好处。 a day at the shops can help you live longer, says a study. and surprisingly, the benef...

  • 11-03-30 all the kids make fun of me, the boy cried to his mother, they say i have a big head. don't listen to them, his mother comforted him, you have a beautiful head. now stop crying and go to the store for ten pounds of potatoes. where's the shopping bag...

  • 11-03-25 it was christmas and the judge was in a benevolent(仁慈的) mood as he questioned the prisoner. what are you charged with? he asked. doing my christmas shopping early, replied the defendant. that's no offense, replied the judge, how early were you...

  • 11-01-19 cyber model , or ma dou in chinese, is an emerging occupation amid a boom in the country's online shopping. cyber models do not strut the catwalk. they pose for pictures that get posted online for stores to showcase their products. 网络模特,又称麻...

  • 10-12-28 snowstorms have deterred shoppers at post-christmas sales in america's northeast, while retailers in the rest of the country are anticipating their highest sales in three years. 受暴雪影响,美国东北部地区圣诞节后销售额大减,其它地区的销售商正在期待...

  • 10-11-18 it was winter, and mrs. hermann wanted to do a lot of shopping, so she waited until it was saturday, when her husband was free, and she took him to the shops with her to pay for everything and to carry her parcels. they went to a lot of shops, and m...

  • 10-06-04 from teachers to hairdressers, people who stand on their feet all day will tell you that the flooring beneath them can be the difference between a good day and a bad one. but can the difference between carpet(地毯) and hard tile flooring(瓷砖地板...

  • 09-11-28 每年感恩节的第二天通常是美国度假购物季开始的日子,在经济危机重压下刚刚缓过些气的消费者可能会在商家大幅折扣的吸引下蜂拥而至,不过他们会否放开消费却尚待考证。商家和购物网站早早就公布了今年购物季的促销计划,希望在几十年来最惨淡购物季之后,对平板电视、...

  • 09-10-17 how much is it? it was winter, and mrs. hermann wanted to do a lot of shopping, so she waited until it was saturday, when her husband was free, and she took him to the shops with her to pay for everything and to carry her parcels. they went to a lot...
