
  • 20-10-14 1 pass the time 关于pass,时间过得特别快可以说time passes so quickly,而打发时间可以说pass the time。 when paula was ill, i took her some magazines to help her pass the time. 葆拉生病时,我给她带去一些杂志帮她消磨时间。 2 no time to lose 用这个短语...

  • 19-04-20 the uk flag is not entirely symmetrical! 英国国旗并不是完全对称的! you can rotate the flag and it still will be the right way up but you cant invert it. look at the white diagonals and you will see why. on the side next to the flagpole, (the hoist...

  • 19-01-03 chinas change-4 probe touched down on the far side of the moon thursday, becoming the first spacecraft soft-landing on the moons uncharted side that is never visible from earth. 中国嫦娥四号探测器于周四在月球背面着陆,成为在月球背面软着陆的第一台航...

  • nba比赛常用词汇 5

    16-08-04 sixth man:第六人,即第一个替补上场的队员。 slam dunk:重扣,特指双手持球高高跳起的使出吃奶力气的重扣,也可以是单手的重扣,这里slam表示砰的一声,强调扣篮时发出的声音。也作dunk。 squad:五人组,篮球队的非正式说法。 starting-lineup:开场阵容。 steal:...

  • 16-03-10 after a funeral, a friend comforted the new widow and said: don't always think of sad side, and you should try to think of the good side. the widow thought for a while and said: this is the first time i know there he stay after 20 year. 葬礼完毕,朋...

  • 15-12-03 everybody wants success. some people aim for it; others just talk about it. we all know what it looks like when someone else has it. often times it just seems like something too far out of reach. the truth to success is closer than you think. it's j...

  • 15-11-13 the hinds kathleen jamie walking in a waking dream i watched nineteen deer pour from ridge to glen-floor, then each in turn leap, leap the new-raised peat-dark burn. this was the distaff side; hinds at their ease, alive to lands held on long lease i...

  • 15-10-12 china is planning to be the first country to land a lunar probe on the far side of the moon , a chinese lunar probe scientist said september 8. 中国一名探月科学家8日表示,中国计划成为首个在月球背面实现着陆的国家。 月球背面可以用far side of the moon...

  • 13-09-06 rope kwame dawes to hold our lives together on the cart before the slow march after midnight along back-roads, blind-driving, the scent of the exhaust making us drowsy(昏昏欲睡的,沉积的) , every shadow in the fields a threat of sorts; we use rope...

  • 10-11-08 some years in the history of love poetry michelle boisseau two streams careened(倾斜) from mountains aimlessly driven, like all lovers, searching basin and rill(小溪,小河) , hurrying but hardly giving the other a thought. you forded deserts whe...
