
  • 12-08-20 researchers have finally found a compound that may offer the first effective and hormone-free birth control pill for men. the study in the august 17th cell, a cell press publication, shows that the small molecule makes male mice reversibly infertile...

  • 12-02-04 it's called argus one; the pentagon's newest unmanned spy plane. but cheeky observers are already calling it the 'flying sperm'. 美国国防部最新研制无人侦察机百眼巨人1号,但一些无礼的观察人士已经给它起了个外号,名为飞行的精子。 cheeky observers are a...

  • 11-12-03 working on a laptop wirelessly may hamper a mans chances of fatherhood. 使用接入无线网络的笔记本电脑可能会造成男性不育。 in a study, sperm placed under a laptop connected to the internet through wi-fi suffered more damage than that kept at the same...

  • 11-08-09 scientists have used artificial sperm to restore fertility in a breakthrough that could allow thousands of men to fulfill their dream of fatherhood. 科学家近日突破性地培育出人工精子,可以使不育男性重获生育能力,帮助数千男性实现父亲梦。 in hugely exc...

  • 11-07-30 women looking for a sperm donor often make the daddy of all choices based on limited physical details such as the man's height or hair colour. 女性在寻找捐精者时总是根据候选人有限的外貌特征来做决定,比如身高或者头发的颜色。 but mothers-to-be will so...

  • 11-05-26 vitamin d is important for optimal(最佳的) reproductive function in both animals and humans. it has long been known that serum(血清,浆液) vitamin d level is important for reproductive function in various animals, but now researchers from the un...

  • 10-11-13 a word of caution for men trying to have kids: your laptop may be impacting the quality of your sperm. 给那些想要小孩的男人提个醒:你的笔记本电脑也许正在影响你的精子质量。 in the first scientific study of its kind, researchers found wi-fi on laptops...

  • 10-03-19 leafcutter ant queens can live for twenty years, fertilizing millions of eggs with sperm stored after a single day of sexual activity. danish researchers who have studied ants at the smithsonian tropical research institute in panama since 1992 disco...

  • 10-01-21 some mouse sperm can discriminate辨别,区别 between its brethren弟兄们,同胞 and competing sperm from other males, clustering聚集,收集 with its closest relatives to swim faster in the race to the egg. but this sort of cooperation appears to be pres...

  • 09-10-29 human embryonic stem cells(胚胎干细胞) derived from excess ivf embryos(晶胚) may help scientists unlock the mysteries of infertility(不肥沃,不毛) for other couples struggling to conceive(构思,怀孕), according to new research from the stanf...
