
  • 每天走3800至9800步可降低智力退化的风险

    22-09-15 一项新的研究表明,每天步行3800到9800步可能会降低中老年人患痴呆症的风险。研究显示,每天以每分钟112步的速度行走30分钟效果是最好的,可将痴呆风险降低62%。研究人员认为,想要降低患痴呆症风险的人更应关注走路的速度,而不是走路的距离。 want to reduce your ri...

  • 21-07-07 baby steps 的字面意思是婴儿的脚步,take baby steps 跨出婴儿般的步伐显然是一个比喻,表示向新的目标前进时就像婴儿学走路,虽然开始时步伐很...

  • 19-06-04 theres nothing magical about the number 10,000. 一万这个数字没什么神奇的。 in fact, the idea of walking at least 10,000 steps a day for health goes back decades to a marketing campaign launched in japan to promote a pedometer. and, in subsequent yea...

  • 19-03-15 students at a college in zhejiang province can enjoy discounts at an on-campus restaurant based on the number of daily steps recorded in their pedometer on wechat, according to peoples daily. 《人民日报》报道,浙江省某搞笑的学生可以凭微信上计步器显...

  • 17-07-22 us scientists have amassed planetary-scale data from peoples smartphones to see how active we really are. 美国的科学家们从人们的智能手机中收集了海量数据,用来研究人们的实际活动情况。 the stanford university analysis of 68 million days worth of minut...

  • 15-12-03 a phone application counts and verifies users' steps, with walkers earning approximately 1 bw$ for about 10,000 steps (about five miles). 一款手机应用软件,通过积累用户走路的步数来换钱,走一万步(大约8公里)可以换1个虚拟货币。 initially, users will...

  • 15-07-16 in a village in the mountain in front, there was a man named wang laowu notorious for his laziness. everyone called him lazy laowu, but he never admitted he was lazy. whenever someonecalled him lazy laowu, he would glare and say: who is lazy? it is...

  • 14-11-13 yes, said our father, when jem asked him if we could go over and sit by missrachel's fishpool with dill, as this was his last night in maycomb. tell him so long forme, and we'll see him next summer. we leaped over the low wall that separated miss ra...

  • 12-06-01 creighton was going along a west end square when he saw a little fellow trying to reach the knocker of a large house. can't you reach up so high? queried the bishop kindly. no, sir, said the small youngster. well, then, let me help you, and the bish...
