
  • 21-08-23 短语 stick your neck out 的意思是敢于冒风险,不怕得罪人。 例句 john stuck his neck out and told the boss what we thought of him. he decided to stick his neck out and buy a new sports car, even though he hadnt asked his wife. 请注意 另一个同脖子相关...

  • 21-06-06 墨守成规,汉语成语,指思想保守,守着老规矩不肯改变,可以翻译为stick to established practice,refuse to change 或follow a stereotype routine,墨守成规的人可以用routineer表示。其反义词为打破成规(break down the (established) conventions) 例句: 他是...

  • 21-04-30 搭配 stick to something 的意思是 坚持做某件事,它也可以表示 信守承诺。比如,在新年之际,大家都想要 stick to 一直信守 自己的 新年决心 new years resolutions。 另一个包含单词 stick 的说法是:stick with it! 。它用来激励人们坚持不懈、不要放弃。 例句 i do...

  • 20-12-03 短语 stick your nose in where its not wanted 用 把鼻子伸到不该伸的地方 来形容某人四处探听,打问不相干的事情;或掺和、干预别人的事情。 你也可以用 stick your nose in someone elses business 来表达相同的意思。 例句 randolph and marguerite are extremely...

  • 15-11-29 russians who use selfie sticks to take photographs of themselves are being offered a self-defence course in case they are mugged, it's been reported. 据报道,俄罗斯向自拍杆用户推出自卫课程,防止他们自拍时遭劫。 the act of flaunting an expensive smar...

  • 15-05-21 the selfie stick didn't always look like this. the original patent was filed all the way back in 1984, before cell phones were ubiquitous. before the word selfie was even coined, let alone in the dictionary. the first selfie stick was neither as ele...

  • 15-05-20 the stick really is better than the carrot when it comes to motivating people, a study has found. 一项研究表明,大棒比胡萝卜更能激励人。 although modern management and schooling techniques favor praising workers or students, the new research suggest...

  • 15-04-13 if you're confused by the name, don't be; the 'b' is for behind and, yes, this is a stick that helps you take a picture of your rear end. 不要对这一名称感到困惑,单词中的b指的是behind(臀部)。是的,这是一款臀部自拍杆。 the belfie stick , from us co...

  • 15-03-16 a selfie stick is a monopod used to take selfie photographs by positioning a smartphone or camera beyond the normal range of the arm. the metal sticks are typically extensible, with a handle on one end and an adjustable clamp on the other end to hol...

  • 12-08-30 following the roars of a tiger mom, a wolf dad stirred controversy again on stick parenting . 继虎妈热潮之后,狼爸再一次激起了关于棍棒教育的争论。 文中的stick parenting就是指棍棒教育,这是自称中国wolf dad(狼爸)的香港商人萧百佑所推崇的一种教育理念...
