
  • current的多个用法

    23-01-29 1 形容词 current 指 现在的,当前的,现行的。 we need to reflect current trends. this is our current plan, but it might change. 2 名词 current 可以描述 稳定、持续的流动,常被用来表示 水流、气流、电流。 dont swim there! the current is too strong! pilo...

  • thought的多个用法

    23-01-29 1 动词 thought 是 think 的过去式,意思是 想,思考;觉得。 i thought of you yesterday. he thought that film was funny. 2 可数名词 thought 可以表示 想法,主意。 ive just had a thought! we should go to the beach. theres a thought! lets order pizza. 3...

  • 22-09-22 发人深省,汉语成语,意思是启发人深刻思考,有所醒悟。可以翻译为call for deep thought,set people thinking等。 例句: 他话虽不多,却发人深...

  • 21-06-15 单词 food 食物 是个常见词,thought 思想 在日常对话中出现的频率也很高。这两个词搭配组成 food for thought,字面直译为 思想精神食粮,即 引人深思的事情。若一件事情让某人认真思考,引起深思,那此事则 give somebody food for thought。 例句 the lecture was r...

  • 21-03-13 耐人寻味,汉语成语,意思是值得让人仔细体会、琢磨。可以翻译为provide [give] much food for thought,be thought provoking或be worth pondering over。 例句: 她的讲话耐人寻味。 her speech gives much food for thought. 他的话虽然不多,却耐人寻味。 he didnt...

  • 14-05-08 shower thought is a loose term that applies to any thought you might have while carrying out a routine task like showering, driving, or daydreaming. shower thought(浴中哲思)其实是一个泛指,可以用来指代你在沐...

  • 13-04-16 what happened to that brilliant idea that you once had? did you ignore it because you thought that it was just a little thought? have you ever considered what that little thought would have become if you had acted on your instincts or if you had pai...
