
  • 10-07-03 men in britain are less engaged in their work compared with women until the final years of employment when they get a late surge of enthusiasm, according to a survey. 一项调查显示,英国男性的工作热情不如女性,直到退休时他们才会迸发出一股迟来的热情。...

  • 英全职爸爸家庭生活态度调查

    10-06-19 modern working fathers now spend so much time at the office they consider their primary role to be 'breadwinner' rather than 'father'. 如今的职场爸爸们因过分忙于工作,竟认为自己在家中的主要任务是养家糊口,而不是做爸爸。 no say: three quarters of fat...

  • 10-06-15 the doctor accused of giving michael jackson a lethal dose of anaesthetic will be allowed to work in california as he awaits trial, a court has ruled. 美国某法院裁定,迈克尔杰克逊的前私人医生在候审期间可以在加利福尼亚州工作。 dr conrad murray faces...

  • 10-06-14 thats my second piece of advice, very simple: dont make excuses. take responsibility not just for your successes; take responsibility where you fall short(不符合标准) as well. now, the truth is, no matter how hard you work, youre not going to ace...

  • 10-06-14 now, graduates, all these folks around you, i have to say, though, with the cameras and the beaming(喜气洋洋的,愉快的) smiles -- theyve worked hard to give you everything you need to pursue your dreams and fulfill your god-given talent. unfortuna...

  • 10-06-13 germans should be allowed to watch the football world cup on television at work without getting into trouble with their superiors, the head of the national employers' association said thursday. 德国雇主协会主席于本周四称,德国公司应允许员工们在上班...

  • 10-06-10 求职面试的时候,hr都会跟面试者介绍公司的薪酬和福利待遇,其中很重要的一部分就是休假。什么年假、病假、事假,还有婚嫁、产假、丧假等等,漏掉一个都不行。不过,你知道吗?在英美国家,很多公司都为员工提供偷懒假,哪天要是怎么都不想去上班,你就可以不去,也不...

  • 10-06-05 british women take four times as long to get ready for work on mondays than on fridays, while men also put less effort into their appearance as the week goes on, according to research by retail chain debenhams. 英国德本汉姆百货公司开展的一项调查显示...

  • 10-05-06 stress at work raises the risk of heart disease for women under 50, a study of more than 12,000 nurses suggests. 一项基于12000多名护士的研究显示,工作带来的压力会使低于50岁的女性患心脏病风险增加。 a heart attack deprives the heart of oxygen, causing...

  • 10-03-05 imagine life as a game in which you are juggling(玩杂耍) some five balls in the air. you name them: work, family, health, friends, spirit. and you re keeping all of these in the air. you will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. if you drop...
