
  • 11-09-24 the president: please, everybody, have a seat, on this beautiful morning. it's wonderful to see all of you here. on thursday, i told congress that ill be sending them a bill called the american jobs act. well, here it is. (applause.) this is a bill...

  • 11-09-22 four best friends met at the hospital since their wives were giving births to their babies. the nurse comes up to the first man and says, congratulations, you got twins. the man said how strange, i'm the manager of minnesota twins. after awhile the...

  • 西班牙小镇警察请病假抗议工资纠纷

    11-09-14 almost the entire police force of a small town in southern spain have gone on sick leave in a dispute over payments. 西班牙南部一座小镇几乎所有的警察都请病假抗议工资纠纷。 fourteen policemen from valverde del camino say they are psychologically unfi...

  • 11-09-11 there are private construction companies all across america just waiting to get to work. theres a bridge that needs repair between ohio and kentucky thats on one of the busiest trucking routes in north america. a public transit project in houston th...

  • 11-09-01 the communist party of china (cpc) central committee issued a code of ethics for cpc cadres to follow tuesday to ensure clean practice in their work and prevent corruption. 为确保廉洁从政,防止腐败,中共中央本周二颁布了党员领导干部廉政准则。 文种的c...

  • 11-08-31 all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. definition: idiom meaning that you need to have fun in order to be a happy, healthy person. 这句话就是传说中的只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。 all in a day's work definition: nothing special, part of the r...

  • 11-08-27 1. we're here to put a dent in the universe. otherwise why else even be here? 活着就是为了改变世界,难道还有其他原因吗? 2. be a yardstick of quality. some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected. 成为卓越的代名词,很多人并...

  • 11-08-26 精彩对白 colt: everybody freeze ! it's okay. bob: they're the good guys. colt: you stinking lowlife . come on. let's go. nora: mom! betrayed agent: hey, loosen these things up. colt: i'm sorry. what's wrong? got the handcuffs too tight? i don't know...

  • 11-08-21 if youre feeling over-worked and in desperate need of a holiday youre not alone - the english are the hardest working nation in europe, taking the least number of paid and public holidays, according to new research. 如果你觉得过度劳累,急需休假,那...

  • 11-08-20 on thursday, i visited a new, high-tech factory in michigan where workers are helping america lead the way in a growing clean energy industry. they were proud of their work, and they should be. theyre not just showing us a path out of the worst rece...
