英语娱乐 / 影视英语-凯发手机版

日期:2023-02-06 1.are you seriously trying to rope-a-dope me? thats an old mans move. 这样想困住我?老头的招式。 2.god forbid people know we kiss. 真希望全世界知道我们很恩爱。 3.my own little retirement party? 这是我自己的小小退休派对。 4.you keeping 180 degrees awa... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-02-06 1.i think you lost your nerve. 你失控了。 2.were both played out. 我们都筋疲力尽了。 3.maybe it was her way of telling you to take a desk job. 也许她是在用自己的方式告诉你,应该找一份文职工作了。 4.mummy was very bad. 最毒妇人心。 5.i made a judgmen... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-02-06 1.my queen, on this day, one has come of age, fairer even than you. 从今天起,有一个人已经成年,她的美貌超越了你。 2.you have my word. 我保证。 3.if you have any pennies, you would have pissed it away on mead by now. 如果你真有几便士,你早就用来换成... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-02-06 1.every morning we had to listen to the sound of her blow-by-blow traffic report. 每天早上我们不得不听她一遍又一遍的交通预报。 2.id hate to see you swim out so far you cant swim back. 我不想看到你误入歧途并无法回头。 3.bryce loski was still walking... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-02-06 1. now im headed back to washington to hand the president my resignation. 现在我要返回华盛顿向总统递交辞职信。 2. where the dod will label you as a rogue extremist and hang the kremlin bombing on you and your team. 国防部会把你作为流氓极端分子把克里... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-02-06 1. the scorpion grabbed a hold of me, and you know, one thing led to another. 那只蝎子把我抓得牢牢的,然后,事情就一件接一件地发生了。 2. painting is a thing of the past. 壁画已经过时了。 3. you are being irrational and counterproductive. 你这样胡搅... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-02-06 1.i dont have a filter when i talk. 我讲话总是口无遮拦。 2.youre the mighty oak that holds the household together. 你简直是家里的顶梁柱。 3.the world will break your heart ten ways to sunday. 生活会将你的心彻底击碎。 4.hes moaning and groaning. 他一... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-02-06 1. this is temporary. so dont go getting your hopes up. 这只是暂时的。所以你别想得太美了。 2. i made an exception for the kid. but there is no exception for that mongrel. 我是为了孩子才破例的。但是我可不会为那只杂种狗破例。 3. i make the rules here,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-02-06 1. thats enough shoptalk. 别谈工作了。 2. im trying to offload and tell you my issues with tom. 我在向你倾诉,说我和汤姆之间的问题。 3. im not wallowing. 我没有自怨自艾。 4. okay, i gave you a head start. 好,我让你先跑。 5. yeah, im pumped up about... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-02-06 1. these flashes of high intensity that completely turn our lives upside down, actually end up defining who we are. 这些彻底改变我们人生的深刻光景会决定凯发手机版 是谁。 2. as you know, your wifes ct scan showed intracranial hemorrhaging. 你也知道,你太太... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-31 1. you and your kind are a canker on the body social. 你和你的同伙是社会的毒瘤。 2. i was born rich, certainly, but i remain rich by virtue of exceptional conduct. i have shown restraint. 我出身富贵,但是我能一直这样富贵,是因为我的高尚品行。我很克...

日期:2023-01-31 1. for us to push back from the gate, make sure seatbelts are fastened, tray tables in their locked position, and your luggage is completely stowed. 在飞机起飞以前,确保系紧安全带,餐桌在固定的位置,行李都完全放好。 2. i am going to get wasted. 我要...

日期:2023-01-31 1. come on. i know a right cross when i see it. 别装了,我一看就知道这是右勾拳。 2. im afraid duty calls. i will leave you in the more-than-capable hands of miss stacy. 我还有事,就把你们交给能干的斯泰西小姐了。 3. most of his victims are suspects w...

日期:2023-01-31 1. well, youve now stepped over the line. 这问题有点太深入了。 2. a fairy tale ending for two star-crossed lovers. 这是一对不幸又幸运的恋人。 3. peacekeepers were gunning them down. 治安官们用枪来镇压他们。 4. i dont want anyone looking to me. 我不...

日期:2023-01-31 1. you dont have to bite my head off. im just quoting julia. 你不需要冲我发火,我不过是在引用朱莉娅的话。 2. its just ive never flunked a test in my entire life. 只是我这辈子从来没有考试不及格过。 3. what if i dont make my deadline, eric? 埃里克,要...

日期:2023-01-31 1. i dont. id do it again in a heartbeat. 我可没有,我真想马上再来一次。 2. yeah, well, she is a nut job, and im not going on any date. 是的,不过她的脑袋有点不正常,而且我才不会去相亲。 3. hold the horses. 稍等一下/慢着。 4. let us give you the pro...

日期:2023-01-31 1. excuse me, sir, is there a commode? 请问,先生,这里有洗手间吗? 2. law enforcement still has no leads. 执法部门仍然毫无线索。 3. youve got to be pulling on my leg! 开什么玩笑! 4. simmer down. simmer down! 安静,安静! 5. thats how i roll. 这就...

日期:2023-01-31 1. nonsense, youre letting your imagination run away with you. 瞎说,别异想天开了。 2. dont get ahead of yourself, though, youve got a lot to learn. 别太自不量力了,你还有很多要学。 3. ive taken a night job, just to tide us over. 我打了份夜工,贴补...

日期:2023-01-31 1. yo, take it down a notch, my blues brothers. 好啦,我的蓝精灵兄弟们,冷静一点吧。 2. you always barge in and ruin everything! youre like a walking disaster! 你总是闯进来把一切搞糟!你就是个扫把星! 3. holy smurf, im a downer. 我的天啊,我是个令人...

日期:2023-01-31 1. and may the odds be ever in your favor. 愿好运永远眷顾你。 2. brother turned on brother until nothing remained. 亲兄弟互相厮杀,直到一切全都毁灭。 3. a people rose up from the ashes, and a new era was born. 人们涅槃重生,一个新的时代浴血开启。 4....

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