英语新闻 / 社会生活-凯发手机版

日期:2021-04-13 近日,江苏省消保委发布动画领域侵害未成年人成长安全消费调查报告,报告称在《熊出没》《小猪佩奇》等21部中外动画片中,包含1465处易被模仿危险点,包含阴暗黑化元素和强植广告行为等。 the consumer rights protection committee in east chinas jiangsu province p...

日期:2021-04-12 国务院联防联控机制4月11日召开新闻发布会,介绍新冠疫情防控和疫苗接种有关情况。 china has accelerated covid-19 vaccine rollouts among priority populations, as well as in key regions and cities, said the national health commission spokesman mi feng, de...

日期:2021-04-08 4月6日,国家邮政局召开二季度例行新闻发布会,对《邮件快件包装管理办法》进行解读。 the state post bureau launches a yearlong campaign this month to crack down on excessive packaging and promote more environmentally friendly package wrapping. 国家邮政...

日期:2021-04-08 春暖花开,万物阿嚏!本是一年好时节,奈何不少人却因闻花打喷嚏、流鼻涕而无法感受春色满园关不住的愉悦。 目前全国正处在春季的花粉季。每到此时,各家医院的耳鼻喉科室都会挤满了过敏性鼻炎患者。近年,我国过敏性疾病发病率呈现逐年升高的趋势。 every spring, whe...

日期:2021-04-08 原价一千五,炒到四万八,暴涨31倍!近日,国产球鞋爆款涨价、缺货的消息多次登上热搜,引发热议。 as the stances of some global sportswear brands - including nike and adidas - toward cotton grown in northwest chinas xinjiang uygur autonomous region have...

日期:2021-04-06 4月5日,北京市园林绿化局和北京市气象局联合发布了2021年第一期北京杨柳飞絮预报。 as the week begins, the capitals downtown and southern parts will see willow and poplar catkins wafting through the air, and the citys northeastern areas will start to fa...

日期:2021-04-06 今年日本的樱花开得比往年都要早,事实上,这是日本1200多年来最早的一次。专家指出,樱花开得越来越早预示着更严重的气候危机和生态危机。 think of japan in the spring, and the image that comes to mind is likely the countrys famous cherry blossoms, also kno...

日期:2021-04-06 4月3日晚,埃及首都开罗上演了一场史诗级盛大仪式法老的金色游行(the pharaohs golden parade)。 仪式的主角是22具古埃及法老和王后木乃伊,一列金色车队将他们从始建于1858年的埃及国家博物馆转移至新建的埃及文明博物馆,电视和流媒体全程直播。 晚8时许,在军乐队...

日期:2021-04-01 日前,深圳市妇联、公安局等九部门联合印发我国首个指导机关、企业、学校等单位建立防治性骚扰工作机制的制度性文件《深圳市防治性骚扰行为指南》。 the guideline on preventing sexual harassment in shenzhen refines provisions related to sexual harassment in t...

日期:2021-04-01 近日,墨西哥推出了一款只遮住鼻子的新型鼻罩,研究人员称,这种鼻罩是为了降低人们在吃饭时感染新冠病毒的风险。然而世界卫生组织在佩戴口罩的建议中则表示,要预防感染新冠病毒,需要遮盖鼻子、嘴和下巴。 researchers in mexico have sniffed out a new covid-19 ma...

日期:2021-04-01 苏伊士运河因长赐号货轮搁浅被堵多日,货轮解困进展牵动全球目光。经过了长达一周的救援,当地时间3月29日搁浅货轮已经完全脱困,苏伊士运河恢复通航。 salvage teams succeeded on monday in freeing a massive container ship that had been stuck in the suez canal...

日期:2021-04-01 近日,一个#在猪肉店起舞的9岁芭蕾女孩#登上了热搜,话题阅读量超过了2亿。 a video clip of a girl dancing at a pork stall in a village in southwest chinas yunnan province went viral online, moving many netizens. 一个女孩在中国西南部云南省一个村庄的猪肉...

日期:2021-03-30 3月28日举行的国务院联防联控机制新闻发布会正式宣布, china had administered more than 100 million doses of covid-19 vaccines by saturday. 截至3月27日24时,全国累计报告接种新冠病毒疫苗超过1亿剂次。 国家卫健委疾控局副局长吴良有在发布会上表示, beijing...

日期:2021-03-30 最近外媒评选世界最性感的光头男人,威廉王子击败迈克尔乔丹、布鲁斯威利斯和巨石强森等对手荣获第一名。但也有网友表示不服,认为斯坦利图齐也应该在榜单上有一席之地。 on saturday, the uk publication the sun published a story claiming that prince william is... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-03-26 近日,工信部网站发布通知,对修改《烟草专卖法实施条例》公开征求意见。 in a draft amendment to chinas detailed rules for the implementation of the tobacco patent sales law, the ministry of industry and information technology and the state tobacco mono...

日期:2021-03-26 小时候你是不是特别喜欢吃甜食快餐喜欢在朋友家过夜但长大后却不再喜欢?很多网友也是这么想的。他们还列出了其他很多小时候喜欢但长大后却想远离的东西。 enjoying things? ha! thats for kids. a viral thread is polling the online community for the things they...

日期:2021-03-25 sunrise and these fishermen are making their way back to shore after a night out on the water ready to sell their catch at the market. 日出之时,这些渔民在湖上忙了一夜后,正在驶回岸边,他们已经准备好在市场上出售捕获的鱼了。 these slippery piles are...

日期:2021-03-25 its an unlikely story but an australian dentist has made the worlds first prosthetic foot for a koala. 这是一个难以置信的故事:一位澳大利亚牙医制作了世界上首个给考拉用的义肢。 jon doulman, dental prosthetist my names jon doulman and im a prosthetist...

日期:2021-03-25 from total beginners, to making a career out of it. 从完全的轮滑初学者,到以它为职业。 the challenge, the joy and the frustration: as plotted on social media by newly qualified doctor and new skater, kelsey loveday. 这一过程充满了挑战、喜悦与挫折,...

日期:2021-03-25 3月24日,我国首趟以大熊猫为主题的旅游列车熊猫专列在四川开行体验班次。 chinas first panda-themed tourist train left chengdu railway station on wednesday for the emei station along the chengdu kunming railway on a trial run. 3月24日,我国首趟熊猫主题...

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