
  • 巧克力中的脂肪可用果汁取代

    12-08-14 it may not make chocolate one of your five a day -- but scientists have found a way to replace up to 50 percent of its fat content with fruit juice. university of warwick chemists have taken out much of the cocoa butter and milk fats that go into ch...

  • 电子鼻能用来鉴定水果成熟度

    12-04-02 have you ever been disappointed by a cantaloupe(哈密瓜,香瓜) from the grocery store? too ripe? not ripe enough? luckily for you, researchers from the university of california, davis might have found a way to make imperfectly ripe fruit a thing of...

  • 多吃果蔬会变漂亮

    12-03-20 you know eating fruit and vegetables is virtuous. but did you know it can also make you look good? 你知道吃水果和蔬菜有很多好处,但你可知道多吃水果蔬菜会让你变漂亮? people who increased their intake over just six weeks developed a healthy glow and...

  • 三万年前种子成功发芽

    12-02-21 scientists in russia have grown plants from fruit stored away in permafrost by squirrels over 30,000 years ago. 俄罗斯科学家将三万多年前松鼠埋藏在永久冻土层中的果实培育成活。 the fruits grew into healthy plants, though subtly different from modern e...

  • 果蝇靠观察天空来飞行定位

    12-01-18 insects, equipped with complex compound eyes, can maintain a constant heading in their travels, some of them for thousands of miles. new research demonstrates that fruit flies keep their bearings by using the polarization(极化,偏振) pattern of na...

  • 创意翻译赏析1

    11-08-05 1. better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. 彪悍的人生不需要解释。 2. politicians and diapers have one thing in common. they should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason. 政客和尿布有一个共同点...

  • 臭氧可用于储存蔬菜水果

    11-04-11 storing fruits and vegetables in ozone-enriched environments reduces spoilage(损坏,糟蹋) explains a scientist at the society for general microbiology's spring conference in harrogate. dr ian singleton explains how ozone treatment could be a safe,...

  • lemon

    11-03-02 lemon danielle cadena deulen they loved each other, but a lemon tree grew between themno solace(安慰,慰藉) in the way it leaned, as if to whisper from her yard into his, across the coyote(北美小狼) fence, a promise of something greater. the fru...

  • 澳大利亚研制出长久保鲜苹果

    09-11-21 澳大利亚昆士兰州政府的有关专家在过去20年的研究基础上于近日研制出了一个能够保鲜数月、并且还能防虫害的苹果品种,该品种有望于明年上市销售。据研究专家介绍,代号为rs103-130的这个苹果品种置于果盘中可以保脆14天;如果放进冰箱保存的话,则可以保鲜数月。此外,...

  • squirrel seen savaging fruit bat 神秘事件:松鼠残杀大蝙蝠

    09-09-19 a bush squirrel collected 500m from the fatal incident a squirrel has been seen attempting to savage(野性的,凶猛的) a fruit bat to death. the bizarre(奇异的 ) incident was witnessed by zoologist mr william stanley, while he was conducting field...
